Information on the processing of personal data in accordance with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679

Pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, also referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR“), hereinafter also referred to as the “Regulation”, we inform you that the personal data you voluntarily make available to SicilyHub (hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”) will be processed in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

1) Owner and Data Protection Officer.

The Data Controller for the processing of personal data is SicilyHub S.B.P.A. (hereinafter only “SicilyHub”), in the person of the Legal Representative pro tempore, with registered office in Rome, Via Nizza, 110 and operational headquarters in Misterbianco (Catania), at Via Franchetti, snc.

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the e-mail address for any needs related to the processing of personal data.

2) Purpose of processing and legal basis for processing

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  1. The establishment and performance of the contractual relationship between you and SicilyHub, for example not exhaustive of the activities inherent to the performance of the contract: ticket sales, rental of exhibition area, organization of events – including online – in which you are interested in participating, provision of ancillary services to your participation, planning of services requested by you, publication of exhibitors’ data in the event catalog etc. With reference to this purpose, the legal basis for processing is the performance of contractual or pre-contractual obligations in connection with a contract to which you are a party. Any refusal on your part to provide the data would make it impossible for SicilyHub to provide the requested service. It should be noted that any processing on particular categories of personal data will be carried out exclusively in the event that such data are communicated or made public directly by you. Such processing will be legitimized on the basis of Art. 9(2)(e) of the Regulations. The provision of such data is never mandatory;
  2. The fulfillment of all regulatory, fiscal and administrative requirements imposed by law and contract on SicilyHub. With regard to this purpose, the legal basis for processing is the fulfillment of legal obligations imposed on SicilyHub. Any refusal on your part to provide the data would make it impossible for SicilyHub to provide the requested service;
  3. The preparation of statistical and market studies and research. With regard to this purpose, the legal basis for processing is your specific consent, without which SicilyHub will not be able to conduct market research involving your data. In any case, you will still be able to use the services offered by SicilyHub;
  4. The performance of profiling activities aimed at understanding Your possible needs in relation to offering new services based on the preferences expressed. With reference to this purpose, the legal basis for processing is your specific consent, in the absence of which SicilyHub will not be able to carry out profiling activities on your data. In any case, you will still be able to use the services offered by SicilyHub;
  5. The performance of commercial and marketing activitiesconnectedwith the activities of SicilyHub by mail, Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS, SMS, from Italy or abroad. With reference to this purpose, the legal basis of the processing is your specific consent, without which SicilyHub will not be able to carry out the aforementioned commercial activities. In any case, you will still be able to use the services offered by SicilyHub;
  6. sending your data to companies in the Group to which SicilyHub belongs, to third parties such as, exhibition organizers or partnersinvolvedin the organization of individual fairs, including those based in non-European countries, in order to allow the latter to launch autonomous marketing initiatives related to their products and services. With regard to this purpose, the legal basis for processing is your specific consent, without which SicilyHub will not be able to send your data to third parties. In any case, you will still be able to use the services offered by SicilyHub;
  7. to allow SicilyHub to take video footage and/or photographs during the events and events for publication on our websites/landing pagese social profiles (e.g., X already Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc.) and in brochures, catalogs, flyers and other printed materials promoting the events. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the owner, as the filming carried out by SicilyHub under this purpose is exclusively generic. Any refusal on your part would make it impossible for SicilyHub to provide the requested service. Any specific photography or filming will, however, be carried out by SicilyHub only following your consent, which you may be asked to provide accompanied by an appropriate disclosure and a dedicated release.

3) Methods of data processing

Personal data will be processed by means of paper, electronic and/or telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the above purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.

It is specified that SicilyHub does not process your data for the purpose of making decisions based on automated processing that produces legal effects or significantly affects the person within the meaning of Art. 22 of the Regulations.

4) Recipients, categories of recipients of personal data and transfer of data to third countries

Your personal data may come to the attention of the partners, members of the board of directors or other administrative body and, in any case, the Data Protection Officer, External Managers, Data Processors and/or Data Processors designated by SicilyHub in the performance of their duties. Your personal data may be disclosed to any entities that provide SicilyHub with services or performance instrumental to the above purposes such as, but not limited to, parent, subsidiary, investee and/or affiliated companies, associates/partners of joint ventures; individuals, entities and/or companies that operate and/or participate in the management and/or maintenance of the websites and electronic and/or telematic tools used by us; photographers and/or videomakers who produce the video-audio materials or related post-production, journalists and news outlets, companies contracted to provide services necessary for the organization and management of events, and only by way of example but not limited to: installation of setups and equipment, publishers of printed catalogs and online, logistics, security, vigilance, first aid, hostesses, etc.), diplomatic representations, consultants, law firms, banks, marketing and communication service providers; other parties in charge of managing the selection process and managing related benefits for buyers (such as insurance companies, travel agencies, hotels), etc.

The updated list of Data Processors is available at the Controller’s office and can be requested by sending a communication to the email address

Your personal data may possibly be communicated and/or transferred abroad, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation (Articles 45 et seq. of the Regulations), including to countries outside the European Union, or where appropriate, to countries where the recipients referred to in the preceding paragraph are based. In all such cases, the transfer is necessary for the performance of the contract with the data subject or for the execution of contractual measures a taken at his or her instance, or to establish, exercise or defend a right in court; in general, it is carried out on the basis of an adequacy decision of the Commission (Article 45 of the GDPR) or in accordance with the standard data protection clauses or other appropriate safeguards under Articles 46 or 49 of the GDPR. In the event that a Commission adequacy decision has not been adopted and the other safeguards established by the GDPR are not applicable, the communication and/or transfer of data outside the European Union will be subject to your consent, after being informed that the country in question does not provide an adequate level of protection.

5) Data Retention

The personal data you provide will be processed only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described above, subject to additional terms related to the specific conditions of legitimacy of the processing, e.g., 10 years for the exercise of legal defense actions and 60 days for the storage of security camera video recordings

6) Rights of the data subject

We inform you that at any time you may exercise the rights provided within the limits and under the conditions stipulated in Articles 7 and 15-22 of the GDPR on your data. To exercise these rights, please contact the Data Controller at the e-mail address; this request will be answered appropriately and promptly.

In detail, you have the right to:

  • Obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed;
  • where a processing operation is in progress, obtain access to personal data and information related to the processing as well as request a copy of the personal data;
  • Obtain correction of inaccurate personal data and supplementation of incomplete personal data;
  • Obtain, if any of the conditions stipulated in Art. 17 of the GDPR, the deletion of personal data concerning you;
  • Obtain, in the cases provided for in Art. 18 of the GDPR, the limitation of processing;
  • Receive personal data concerning him or her in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and request its transmission to another data controller, if technically feasible.

In addition, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data carried out in pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller. If you object, your data will no longer be processed, unless there are legitimate grounds for processing that override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim.

With reference to the processing of data for marketing and profiling purposes, you may at any time revoke any consent you may have given or object to their processing by writing an e-mail to Revocation of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before revocation.

Finally, in accordance with Article 77 of the GDPR, we remind you that you have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor, if you believe that your rights under the GDPR have been violated, in the manner indicated on the Privacy Guarantor’s website accessible at