November 28/29/30, 2024

FRUTECH is the Mediterranean Expo dedicated to Agroecological Transition and New Frontiers in the Agri-food sector


Frutech looks to the future and aims to become a place for exchange, enrichment, and discussion on issues related to sustainability, in all its meanings: from responsible management of natural resources to increasing diversity in production to the transformation of agricultural and food systems.
By 2050, the Earth will be inhabited by 9 billion people. Already today, 750 million people in the world suffer from hunger.

A profound change in the world agricultural system is needed to meet the demands of a very near future that must be built now. Produce more, but produce better. Use the nature of our Planet without exhausting it. Frutech starts from the themes launched by the UN Agenda 2030, in line with the FAO principles of “ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.”

One’s awareness of the way agriculture is done will strongly influence society in the coming decades, just as agriculture in the past evidently helped build societies as we know them today.