The SiciliaFiera exhibition center, in Misterbianco, Corso Carlo Marx, with entrance from Via Franchetti, will host ‘Frutech,’ the major exhibition event in Southern Italy from Nov. 28-30, 2024, an expo dedicated to agroecological transition and new frontiers in the fruit and vegetable sector. Three intense days of networking, meetings, panel discussions inside the largest exhibition area in the South, in the heart of the Mediterranean.

The goal of Frutech is to become a place for exchange and discussion on issues related to natural resource management, increasing diversity in production to the transformation of agricultural and food systems. A focus will be made on 360-degree agriculture from organic to biodynamic; from sustainable to smart 4.0 and social.

Frutech sales director Rosario Sallemi, who has been in the organization of fairs and events in the sector for years, says, “Sicilian agriculture is a fundamental sector for the island’s economy, characterized by a great variety of crops and agricultural practices that reflect the diversity of the territory and age-old traditions. Sicily, thanks to its Mediterranean climate, fertile soil and varied landscapes, is particularly suited to the cultivation of many plant species, fruit and vegetables, but this sector also needs to move forward through research. The themes and macro-areas that we will address during these three days will range from research and innovation in the fruit and vegetable sector to crop diversification strategies, and then not forgetting soil, natural and energy resource management practices and, above all, environmental and economic sustainability. A special eye will be turned to distribution models and new market trends to implement strategies for growth and development of the sector with the various opportunities for both farmers and consumers. Many foreign buyers will participate, especially from Turkey, Spain, Greece and Northern Europe.”

Professor Alessandra Gentile of the University of Catania, full professor of General Arboriculture and Tree Crops and chair of the scientific technical committee, highlighted that “During the three days, crucial issues related to research and technological innovation will be addressed, which today represent a fundamental opportunity for companies in the agri-food sector at the national and international level. These tools are essential to counter major issues such as climate change, water scarcity and sustainable defense against emerging diseases from a sustainability perspective. Research and the transfer of technological innovations, including at the genetic level-such as the use of more stress-tolerant varieties and rootstocks-should help ensure higher levels of income for farmers while enabling more environmentally sustainable cultivation protocols.”

“Today it is necessary to have a modern and innovative vision of the agricultural sector,” continues SiciliaFiera President Nino Di Cavolo, “more than ever in a land like Sicily, which is particularly suited for this sector, highlighting how the integration of technology in agricultural practices can lead to significant improvements in the quality, sustainability and productivity of agri-food products. Here are some key points: improving productivity through precision farming and automation of agricultural processes; adopting blockchain technology in the agribusiness sector enables complete traceability of products from farm to table, ensuring transparency and food safety. And the analysis of data collected through sensors and connected devices enables informed decisions and improved quality of agricultural products.”

Among the various initiatives will be a pomological exhibition on tomatoes where all types and varieties of solanaceous plants grown in Sicily ‘in the transformed belt’ from Pachino to Licata will be displayed. There will be active involvement of schools because children must not forget that the area is an indispensable resource both in terms of productivity and job outlet.

The Exhibition Meeting Hub, in Misterbianco, will be an important showcase where to find out what is new in this field.

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